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Journal : Prosiding SENTIKUIN (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri, Lingkungan dan Infrastruktur)

Analisis Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Keripik Pisang dengan Pendekatan Lot Sizing (Studi Kasus pada IRT. Tiga Saudara Bandar Lampung) Wibowo, Heri ; Sidiq , Ahmad ; Supriono , Untung
Prosiding SENTIKUIN (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri, Lingkungan dan Infrastruktur) Vol 1 (2018): PROSIDING SENTIKUIN
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

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IRT Tiga Saudara was one of home industry in banana chips field product. Therefore it needed the one method to optimize the raw material inventory and decrease the order cost. The raw material inventory control could use lot sizing approach. The Result showed that accurate forecasting method was linear regression method, because it had Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) was 510.416, so it was still in upper control limit and lower control limit after Moving Range chart test. The lot sizing method that had lowest total inventory was Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), with optimal order was 526 kg and it was ordered 72 many times during 12 period in one year, reorder point level when raw material before end was 299 kg. The safety stock was 73 kg, so that the total cost was Rp. 790.500,-.
Identifikasi Penyebab Kerusakan Produk Karet SIR 20 Dengan Menggunakan Metode Failure Mode And Effect Analysis (FMEA) Wibowo, Heri; Khikmawati , Emy; Setiawati, Indah
Prosiding SENTIKUIN (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri, Lingkungan dan Infrastruktur) Vol 3 (2020): PROSIDING SENTIKUIN
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VII Lampung is an industrial company that processes rubber processed materials into the rubber of type SIR 20. The problem that occurs with this type of product is that the PO content does not comply with predetermined quality standards. The purpose of this study is to analyze the causes of product damage using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method, to obtain the greatest risk of failure in the production process in the value of the Risk Priority Number (RPN), and to provide recommendations for its improvement. The results of the data collection analysis are described through a Check Sheet Diagram to determine the damage from several rubber data samples of the SIR 20 type, then described the Cause Failure Mode Effect (CFME) to determine the factors that cause damage to PO levels originating from human, material and work environment factors. After that, describes the FMEA analysis to determine the RPN value, where the highest RPN value is the different rubber freezers, loud engine sounds and vibrations, and the operator's lack of accuracy in regulating the temperature of the dryer. The recommended improvement proposal is to receive good quality raw materials and increase the price of raw materials, as well as provide guidance to farmers about good types of rubber freezers, requiring the use of earplugs so that machine noises do not interfere with the operator's work, providing training and warning to operators not to make mistakes, and carry out intensive inspections of operators.